‘Dive in’ to ‘Divine’

A white page to be filled with words. Unlike for my son, for whom this means the judgement of exams and implies a road to be travelled or not because permission has been granted, or not, this white page comes to me with no dangling carrot and no prize to be got; only the privilege …

The rightness of Newness

On your life journey, infinite patience is one of the greatest gift you can give yourself. On the way to truly realigning with your heart’s desire, your mind kicks up a fuss, shouting: “I’m not going without a fight!” It is scary to relinquish its ways and open to a new set of parameters. Yet …

Love you tender…

Don’t try to be loved. Do nothing to gain Love, but love yourself completely and totally for all that you are, without judging. Acceptance and Love will melt all that is criticism and will welcome all that is different and uniquely you. You cannot reproduce anybody else’s way. You can be inspired but do not …